
Posts Tagged ‘human potential’

I came across this thought provoking poem by Barry N. Curtis.  Read.  Meditate.  Wonder.  I believe the same comparison holds true about people and their potential for astounding achievement.    

Anyone Can Count The Seeds In An Apple
by Barry N. Curtis

Cut open an apple. Now, count the seeds.
How many did you find there? Three? Five? Eight?
That was an easy assignment, wasn’t it?
Even an astute kindergartner can count the seeds in an apple.
Now, for something a little more challenging.
Since you know how many seeds are in the apple,
go back and count the number of apples in each seed.
How did you do this time?
My guess is that you laughed at the idea and didn’t even attempt the assignment.
You see, it’s easy to count the number of seeds in an apple,
but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.

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