
Archive for May, 2008

I use the Microsoft Excel program almost daily.  I find the ASAP Utilities add-in an invaluable tool that makes Excel much more user friendly.  I appreciate Bastien Mensink for developing and making this magical product available.

Check this website for more info and download:  http://www.asap-utilities.com/.  I know it will save you time and helps your sanity too.   

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I am loving it because I get to live a blessed and fabulous life in a fast paced city that offers many charitable, vocational, culinary, and recreational choices.  There are plenty of demanding tasks, enriching opportunities, and fun experiences clamoring for my time.  Amidst these activities I find it is vital to do an internal check to ensure that I live my purpose and passion.  Several times a year I take a reflection day to decompress, relax, read, think, dream, and plan.

I discover that when I emerge from this solitude practice, I feel recharged, optimistic, grateful, and eager to take on the next challenge.  In addition, my ideas tank is full ready for me to explore all the new possibilities.  I become a more confident, competent, and compassionate person to the people I love, care about, and interact with.

Have you taken a reflection day lately?  Do it.  You will discover its healing and creative benefits in your blessed and fabulous life as you learn from past experiences, act in the present circumstances, and plan for your future. 

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We are blessed and privileged to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave known as the United States of America.  We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the men and women serving in our Military for their sacrifice, bravery, and patriotism.  Take the time to reach out and let them know that you appreciate them.

They will always hold a place of honor in my heart.  I continue to pray for their health and safe return to their families at the completion of their tour of service.

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My sister-in-love’s Mom and Dad had been practicing t’ai chi for the last several years.  I observed that they exude peace, strength, and balance.  At our recent get together I asked her Mom to show me a few t’ai chi moves.  I found the lesson to be a superb mix of fun and fitness.

Although I am a big fan of the Western form of exercise using cardio machines and free weights, I firmly believe that adding the new elements of Eastern training, such as balance and flexibility to my exercise regimen will enhance my level of physical well being.  This past weekend I bought U.S. and world t’ai chi medalist David-Dorian Ross’ DVD calls “T’ai Chi Beginning Practice”.  On the back of it, David says “Known as ‘the ultimate workout’ in China, t’ai chi will give you the benefits of weight training, aerobics or sports conditioning while exercising your mental-spiritual strength at the same time.  You’ll see more balance in the way you move, think and feel every day.”   


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Local Tourists

When we live in one city too long we no longer see it.  Landmarks, monuments, and unique streets become blurry as we hurry from one location to another.  It is a condition calls familiarity breeds contempt.

Break out of the rut and change your routine.  Take a day and live like a tourist in your own city.  Re-explore its spell-binding beauty and be charmed by its heart-warming inhabitants all over again.

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Are you going to conferences, happy hours, PTA meetings, swanky soirees, potluck picnics, charity galas, networking events, hip parties, school reunions, or blind dates?  Do you want to strike up a conversation but do not know what to say?  Are you searching for points of interest and common ground?  Do you feel like other people are blessed with the gift of gab, but the cats have gotten a hold of your tongue?

Use the acronym FORM.  Topics you can explore include family and friends.  Ask people about their occupation.  Talk about what they like to do for recreation.  Discuss what motivates them.  One of the tips I read from Keith Ferrazzi’s awesome book entitles Never Eat Alone is that people love to talk about health, wealth, and children.

Use the above ideas.  Now go mix, mingle, and make new friends.

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  • You are my guiding light.
  • You are my reflecting mirror.
  • You are my biggest fan.
  • You are my vigilant conscience.
  • You are my safe harbor.
  • You are my sounding board.
  • You are my awesome teacher.
  • You are my invincible hero.
  • You are my best advisor.
  • You are my mother.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

You were, are, and will always be the love, joy, and blessing of my life.

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I came across this thought provoking poem by Barry N. Curtis.  Read.  Meditate.  Wonder.  I believe the same comparison holds true about people and their potential for astounding achievement.    

Anyone Can Count The Seeds In An Apple
by Barry N. Curtis

Cut open an apple. Now, count the seeds.
How many did you find there? Three? Five? Eight?
That was an easy assignment, wasn’t it?
Even an astute kindergartner can count the seeds in an apple.
Now, for something a little more challenging.
Since you know how many seeds are in the apple,
go back and count the number of apples in each seed.
How did you do this time?
My guess is that you laughed at the idea and didn’t even attempt the assignment.
You see, it’s easy to count the number of seeds in an apple,
but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.

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Cinco de Mayo is next Monday, the Fifth of May.  It celebrates the defeat of the French at the Battle of Puebla in Mexico.  Today, when Cinco de Mayo is observed you can find parades, festivals, mariachi music, dancing, and lots of food. 

Check your local event guides for a list of festivities taking place throughout the weekend to get you into the spirit of celebration.  What better way to understand the Mexican culture than through a fiesta of food, family, friendship, freedom, and fun?

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